Ajok Knighty
Job Position in The Bead Project: Glass Bead Artisan

Knighty was introduced to TWOPU many years ago. She is HIV positive, which 7% of women in Uganda also suffer from and grew up as an orphan with no siblings. She says life was absolutely miserable before TWOPU. The year she was introduced to the organization, she was living with a good Samaritan in Pader but the home had a bad leak and it was an uncomfortable place to be. Because of her home situation and ailment, she was recommended to TWOPU's Mercy Ministry, which is a relief-based program reserved for the most vulnerable. Through that program, Knighty began receiving medicine for her HIV and monthly groceries for her and her family. Things started looking up for her and she began working for The Bead Project.
Since starting at The Bead Project, Knighty has been able to buy her own piece of
land and care for her children. Knighty says now her children and job provide
her company and love, and she longer feels so alone in the world.